“I am very pleased with the progress I’ve made to this point in my treatment program. Through the process of elimination Dr. Folsom has identified my triggers and worked with me to increase my functionality and strength. So pleased with his knowledge, enjoy ALL the staff.”
- Tammy
“Prior to coming in, I had a lot of neck, back & hip pain. After receiving about 3 months of treatment, (2-3x a week) I have virtually no pain in any of those areas with normal activity levels. My posture & balance has improved significantly. I am so grateful for coming into this office!”
- Shyla C.
“When I came to this office I was hurting so badly that I was considering seeing my primary doctor to get medicated for the pain. I have been off painkillers for 3 years now. I am no longer feeling that need since obtaining chiropractic treatment and massage. I was waking every 2 hours from cramping in my legs and feet. I am sleeping 4-5 hours now. In the evening my feet were cramping so badly and often. They have stopped. I have swelling in my legs that has also seemed to have reduced as my pants fit better! 🙂 “
- Beth G.
“I have came a long way since I first came to Arctic Chiropractic with a very sore and inflamed back. Dr. Folsom has got my upper back much more loosened up and has me standing up straighter and much better posture. I am still working on getting my lower back pain to go away. I hope over time it will be back to pre-injury status. Dr. Folsom is a great doctor!”
- Ryan S.
“Since coming to Arctic Chiropractic I have experienced increased mobility and flexibility. I have less pain. I have learned proper stretching techniques to continue my progress between visits. The staff is friendly and really works with my schedule.”
- Amy G.
“When I came in I could barely walk without pain. My levels were about a 7 daily and all day long. Since being adjusted and doing traction my pain level has gone to a 1. Minimal trouble walking and daily activities have become easier to accomplish.”
- Tonya C.
“I came in not able to turn my head to either the left or right, now I can look over my shoulder when driving and have the ability to look side to side without having to turn my entire body. Thank you!!!!”
- Heather H.
“I still have pain issues at this time, but I am greatly improved. The simple exercises to stretch my muscles have been a miracle. 🙂 With continued care I will be back to my regular self. (Can do man-work again!)
- Dione S.
“I came with many injuries from car wrecks & was unable to exercise or do the things I love to do. I’m now able to have a lot less pain & can do some of the things I couldn’t do before. I know I am walking because of Chiropractic & the sharp pains in my head are almost gone.”
- Marla H.
“I came in with a problem of back pain lasting over 6 years. My first stop after moving to Wasilla was a pain clinic. After taking medication for back pain and getting little relief I was referred to Dr. Folsom and made an appointment with him. After 2 months I am feeling a lot better; sleeping at night with less pain during the day.”
- Demaris S.
“Chiropractic care allows me relief from constant pain. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t feel some relief of pain, but I also know its my responsibility to maintain care once I am whole again. I’m still on my journey to wholeness and know without Chiropractic care I would never get there.”
- Sherry H.
“I’ve had some pretty incredible development since I started my chiropractic treatment. I’ve experienced some of the worst pain I’ve ever felt prior to the start of my treatment and could throw my back out while doing something like putting food in the fridge. I was also at a constant 6-7 on the pain scale in my lower back while driving. My life experience in general has greatly improved, and now I rarely feel pain while driving.”
- Wade B.
“When I first came in, I could not move my neck, it came on suddenly and was extreme pain. After 12 visits I am back to feeling normal, with very little pain.”
- Rita B.
“Had an accident on Haul Road in 1980, north of Fairbanks. I broke my neck and damaged my back and was in severe pain from my left ear to my left shoulder and then my left arm to my finger. On a scale from 1-10, the pain was about 15-20. After about 3-5 adjustments, my pain level is now 1-2. Thanks!”
- Jess H.
“I thank the Lord that he sent me to Arctic Chiropractic. The 4th of March I came into the office and became ill. Doctor Folsom sat me down and found that I had a stroke, he sent me to the hospital and saved my life.”
- Doug F.
“I came here because my neck hurt and I was getting headaches every day. All the staff has been amazing to work with. Not only is the pain in my neck been fixed, I no longer get headaches. The staff here is truly wonderful and very helpful.”
- Ashley M.
“I have been coming here for about a year and they have been very good about payments and helping me get over my pain. I would recommend them to everybody that needs chiropractic work done!”
- Richard T.
“The reason I walk today is because of Dr. Folsom. His expertise in chiropractic, his bedside manner, and the use of multiple modalities makes his care so effective. He is able to fix the people other doctors have given up on, including myself.”
- Debra P.
“After a car accident, I had severe neck pain and severe headaches. I went to a medical doctor and was treated with no results. After five weeks of nasty headaches, I was told I should see a chiropractor. I came to Arctic Chiropractic and saw Dr. Folsom. My headaches and pain in my neck were reduced after my first appointment and got better each time I came. My headaches were completely gone in four to five weeks.”
- Dale J.
“Before Dr. Folsom, I had about six to seven headaches a day and a pain in my back that wouldn’t go away. Six weeks later, I am headache free and that pain in my back that wouldn’t go away is gone and has been gone for a month. I haven’t had a headache in a month. I would recommend Dr. Folsom to everyone I know. He has helped me with just being able to live each day.”
- Alexis C.
“Two months ago, a typical day for me at home with my four children, all I could think of was pain- in my neck, my lower back, my hips… pretty much everywhere. I couldn’t focus on anything other than “PAIN.” Now, I find myself just enjoying time with my husband and my kids because my mind isn’t on the pain… It isn’t there anymore!”
- Monica K.
“When I first came in, I was in a lot of pain. I felt great relief after just the first visit!”
- Shane L.
“I have restless leg syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Ever since I have been coming to Arctic Chiropractic my circulation in my legs has greatly improved. I also have a lower back problem that is being managed well with the adjustments I am receiving. I would recommend Arctic Chiropractic to anyone seeking neck, back and leg problems.”
- Susan H.
“Last year I came in with extreme shoulder pain. I couldn’t even sleep through the night. I was put on decompression therapy with massage and adjustments. It took 6 months of treatment from twice weekly to eventually every other week. The doctor also showed me how to sit, walk and exercise so that I did not re-injure myself. I am now healed and strong; able to live my Alaskan life.”
- Tracey M.
Monday | 1:30pm - 6:00pm |
Tuesday | 9:00am - 12:00pm 1:30pm - 6:00pm |
Wednesday | 9:00am - 12:00pm 1:30pm - 6:00pm |
Thursday | 9:00am - 12:00pm 1:30pm - 6:00pm |
Friday | Closed |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |

Arctic Chiropractic West Mat-Su
1830 East Parks Highway Suite A135/137
Wasilla, AK 99654
P: (907) 373-5054
F: (907) 373-5058